compact, powerful and fast program - possibly the best all-round
shareware Windows checkers program in terms of features. It
represents the latest in intelligent games playing software, and
will give even the very best players a challenging game of
checkers. While SAGE is easy enough for even a beginner to
use, it does have a host of advanced features - it is also
a powerful database program - it can build & search large
databases of games for certain players or events, or positions.
Try before you
buy! Click here to download a fully working Shareware version
Click here for
SAGE DRAUGHTS ordering details and options
or just Click here to buy online NOW!
"This full-blown
checkers program functions well as both a partner and a tutor...
This powerful program suits both beginning and advanced
(review from Download.com, 4/5 rating)
"This checkers
program is simply amazing. I found it nearly impossible to beat,
and I consider myself a pretty strong checkers player. "
(original review from TUCOWS.COM,
5/5 rating)
Features of SAGE
- SAGE plays both ENGLISH
and ITALIAN variants of draughts.
- Set any level of playing
strength, from 1 second to 1 day a move, tournament style
clock display used. Can also play "Easy" levels
for beginners.
- All functions available
through a pleasant, easy to use user interface, nice
graphics, animation of moves, friendly toolbar icons for
many commands. Despite its advanced features, even a
beginner can use SAGE.
- Replay/rewind games with
natural "tape" controls.
- Save/Load games to disk, add
annotation to game moves with comments, special comment
fields for White/Black/Event/Date etc. This data,
together with moves, shown in "moves" window.
- Will accept
"CheckerBoard" compatible external plug-in
engines, giving access to the very strongest
checker-playing engines in world. Click here for CheckerBoard
compatible engines to run under SAGE..
- Set up your own problem
positions for the computer to analyse.
- Analysis (best line and
evaluation) can be spooled to a text file while you play,
or added to comments automatically. Automatically analyse
complete games move-by-move, saving the results in a text
file. It can analyse sets of positions, again posting the
results to a file.
- SAGE supports PDN
(Portable Draughts Notation) Database format - a new
way to annotate/store large numbers of games via simple
text files. You can browse a "1 line per game"
summary of a database, click on the one you want, search
the database for certain players/comments and even board
position transpositions - a very powerful tool! Click
here for information on the PORTABLE DRAUGHTS NOTATION format. SAGE is supplied with a
large database of Master games. You can download an archive of 9000 PDN
games from here..
- Works with the 6 piece CHINOOK ENDGAME DATABASES for English checkers, around 2.5
billion endgame positions. Special thanks go to Jonathan Schaeffer's pioneering work on checkers, and
for putting these databases in the public domain. Can run
the Cake engine, which can use the 6/7/8 piece
- Powerful opening
book-database which can contain set-up positions and
auto-find transpositions (& sides-reversed pos). If
you want to improve the book, a simple add-line-to-book
function exists, and the ability to mark each move
?,<,=,>,! (weak to strong, 5 grades).
- Will automatically classify
the game you play according to a list of official
openings. You can select a 3 move ballot to play, or have
SAGE randomly choose one for you.
- Powerful Analysis tools - an
analysis window shows scrolling "Best move
sequence/score so far" for current/previous moves.
Analysis can be added as comments automatically. Games
can be analysed automatically.
- Auto-tournement mode, can
play matches between different checker engines.
- Print moves or diagrams
(using a checkers true-type font).
Previous versions of SAGE came
second in the 1997 Man-Machine tournament, previously won the
"Sam Cohen" checkers tournament, and has a good track
record against top players. Here is an example game (in PDN
format) with Derek Oldbury, (former World Champion), playing
against an earlier version of SAGE...
[Event "Demo game 1994 (on a
slow 286 PC!)"]
[Black "Derek Oldbury, World champion"]
[White "SAGE 2300, 40sec/move"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 8-11 29-25 10-14 24-20 7-10 25-22 12-16
28-24 4-8 24-19 8-12 32-28 {the tempting 27-24 loses}
9-13 {3-7 loses to 19-15 10-19 27-24} 18-9 5-14 22-18 1-5 18-9
5-14 27-24 3-7 26-22 14-17 21-14 10-17-26 31-22 7-10 {Now at this
stage Derek felt he had it sewn up but he didn't expect the
following..} 22-18 13-17 18-14 2-7 30-26 17-21 19-15! 11-18-27
20-11-2 10-17 2-9 27-31 26-23 {Drawn!} 1/2-1/2
Test Position
Here is a test problem for SAGE (by D.Oldbury) White to play and
win. Can you see it?
Sage sees the 13 move solution in
a second and plays:- 27-24! 20*27 14-9 7x14 15-11 1x10 11-7 13x6
18x9x2 25x18 23x14 10x17 19-16 3x10 2-6 12x19 6x15x24x31x22x13
and White Wins!
Click here to see a list of NEW SAGE 9.0
Click here for information on HOW TO ORDER SAGE
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