Connex is a
"freeware" compact multi-game compendium for any
"Pocket PC" computer, packed with many game variants
and features. The "Freeware" version of the program has
5 game variants fully enabled - "Connex",
"Gomoku", "Contax", "TicTacToe" and
"DontConnex4". A further 14 game variants (+ "User
defined" games where you can enter rules and design
yourself!) are available to registered customers. All this in a
program that only takes 50K of your valuable PocketPC RAM memory!
Try before you buy!
Download Connex from Handango and try it out for free! Click the icon below then click the button
labelled "freeware"
Or Click here to download fully working version directly from this site
(Only a 98K download!)
Click here to register by credit
card on-line..
rated 4/5 cows on!
Connex features
Why register Connex?
If you register Connex you get all this as well:
"User defined" (or "Game designer") option - Select game-rules, enter board size and shape, etc.. Invent your own games! There are thousands of possible variants to explore..
Connex costs only $9 (US), 9 Euro, or £6 (UK) to register. Once you have registered you will be sent a code that unlocks all the games in the demo.
Click here to order by credit card on-line!
Click here to download fully working Freeware/Shareware version
Connex runs on all
Pocket PC 2002 compliant devices and Pocket PC's with Windows CE
3.0 or higher. Connex comes from PC Solutions, a company that has
20 years experience in the field of computer games. Connex will
be installed into the games directory on your Pocket PC. You can
start it by choosing:
Start Menu -> Programs -> Games -> Connex
So why another Gomoku/Connect-4 type game? Connex is a member of our series of what we call the "Small is Beautiful" program range. Connex packs no less than 19 Connect-4/Gomoku type game variants into a self contained 38K executable. (I say 50K allowing for an optional 8K help file). The current setup is 98K with installation for all PocketPCs with ARM, MIPS +SH3. It has a full range of features - nice graphics/animation, a proper intelligent alpha-beta search, and loads of functionality - probably more than most of the fat old Visual basic type games you see that are many times the size. Its a sort of "RISC" philosophy applied to coding - the idea is the smaller code is, the faster and more responsive it is. So when I coded Connex I always paid attention to the size issue - I would the PocketPC API directly, choose the graphics carefully, weight up the benefit of any added feature against its impact on final size, and so on.. It does not mean that a small program represents less work, (or even lines of code) than a large one - just that more attention is paid to the issue of size when coding it.
So does it matter on a trivial game like this? Well yes - most people who might have this little applet will appeciate still having more memory for the serious things they do on thier palmhelds - more RAM means more speed for other applications.
For Palm-held computers, small really is beautiful!
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