If you have not already downloaded the SAGE DRAUGHTS 9.0 shareware demo, you should do this first....
Click here to download SAGE now (Small version) (File: SAGE_MIN.EXE, Size: 467K) This version has smaller opening and endgame databases, but still plays a good game. Just open after download...
or Click here to download SAGE now (Big version) (File: SAGE_GO.EXE, Size: 1826K) This version has bigger opening, endgame, and master-game databases, printer fonts, etc, just open after download...
You can also download or order SAGE through ZDNET or
by credit card NOW!
On-line registration via the Internet for the full version of SAGE costs $19 (US), or 19 Euros, or 12 pounds.
If you prefer to have SAGE on CDROM, we can supply it by mail order too - Click here to order by mail
Once you have downloaded and installed SAGE 9.0, you can now run it in "shareware" mode, and try it out. The "shareware" mode has certain key features disabled, and has limited playing levels/strength and database options. If you decide that you want to order the program, you need to enter a serial number - this number must be purchased from us before all the features are enabled.
In addition to the features on the Shareware mode, it has :
ORDERING ON THE WEB You can now order our software on the WEB via, a site that provides our credit card clearance facility. They also allow ordering by FAX or Phone too, and can even accept cheques. PLEASE NOTE - If you do not come from the US, the credit card company will convert the dollar price to your currency at current rates.
So, Click Here to order SAGE DRAUGHTS by credit card
NOTE - you must enter the 7 digit code (shown when you run the SAGE demo) in the appropiate field when ordering. Once you have entered your order, the SHAREIT site will clear your credit card, typically less than a few hours, and then automatically send you an enabling code straight away, so that you can start using all of Sages features immediately.
If you dont want to order on-line, Click here to order by mail
You can download other files to be used with SAGE.. To download the CHINOOK 6 piece endgame databases with 2.5 billion endgame positions go to
You must download and unzip the files in this ZIP archive (DB6 and DB6.IDX) then copy these files to the SAGE folder on your hard disk (usually "C:\\Program Files\SAGE90" ) ( Need more info on zip files?)
Click here for CheckerBoard compatible engines to run under SAGE..
CLICK HERE to download an instruction manual in WORD/RTF format for SAGE & DYNAMO..
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This page has been accessed times since April 2000.